Saturday, December 3, 2011

No Love Like Self Love.

Good Saturday Afternoon!

Weigh In Check In: I lost what I gained last week and then some. Last week I gained 2.8 and this week I lost 3. I'm happy with it!!

I met a girl after my meeting today who confronted me because she has a goal of losing 90lbs and she was so inspired by my weight loss celebration. She was pretty cool and turns out we actually go to the same school! Lol who knew? I am looking forward to building friendships. I love new friends...especially new health conscious friends!!

I remember a couple years ago saying "I have all the friends I need...I have a select few and I don't need any more friends" ....I'm glad I shook that state of mind because I love the new people in my life!! Don't get me wrong, there are a few friends from childhood....okay....maybe 1....2? friends from elementary school that I still consider to be one of my best friends but the people I like hanging out with the most are my new adult friends! So shout out to all my new lovely ladies in my life!

I'm sure if you are a Weight Watchers member you have heard about the changes coming to the program! I am excited about them. My daily points plus target changes from 29 to 27. We learned a little about it today in our meeting but more information will come next week. From what I saw online, it looks like we will be able to have a day during the week where we don't track but eat Simply Filling foods. I am definitely looking forward to giving that a try. I enjoy change!! Change is good.

Not to mention I love the new layout of the website!

Speaking of change...I busted out the Wii Fit for the first time in a long time yesterday! And all I can say is WEEEEE I'M FIT............. Okay, that was corny as but I had a workout on Wii Active Personal Trainer that I had set to medium intensity that when I did it back in March(ish) was super hard for me! I remember not being able to finish some of the workouts and just moving the sensors so the Wii would think I finished. Well, I started that workout yesterday and quit in the middle because it was too easy, switched to a "hard" full body workout and even that was too easy! I mean I broke a sweat but it was nothing like I'm used to. I actually had to wait for the Wii to catch up with ME!

But the sensors that you wear when you play Wii Active make me feel like an athlete for some reason...LMBO! It probably makes no sense but I feel like I'm about to get in a mean workout when I put them on haha. Even the leg strap fits me way better than it did!

Me and my sensors after my workout lol

You know baby girl had to get her "workout" on..she was doing squats with me LOL 

So I am honored to announce that in the very near future I will be posting a guest blog for two blogs that you must follow! Two lovely ladies have asked me to guest blog on their site and I am honored.

Check them out:
  1. The fabulous Sarah at She's Coming Undone
  2. And Ms. Bailey....but that's her first name...we just happen to share the awesomeness of both having the name Bailey lol Check her out at The Middle.
*Ladies - I promise to work on my blogs for your pages this weekend!!

One last thing - I need to start carrying around a notebook everywhere I go because there are so many times when I think of things to blog about, things that I see and want to mention, and by the time I get to sit down and write a blog, I totally forget LOL!

uhnhnnjm  my njmsamnio io  kjkj33388d48  tx  344443333333333fdfd b5vvvvvbbbbbbbbb<----A message from my daughter reminding you that there is no love like self love! Take it from her... the girl gives herself daily kisses in the mirror!! :)



Sarah said...

Great job on your loss!

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog page.

Congrats on the loss.

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