And then....
Which is why I am making some changes.
Many of you can relate to the above without me having to say a thing. I watched my baby girl decorate the tree tonight and sing "If you're happy and you know it" and dance around the living room and I couldn't believe my baby had grown up so much SO fast!! Seems like just yesterday I was trying to get her to say "mama" and "dada" and here she is singing "Old McDonald had a Dora" and making up her own songs.
Soo, though I could talk about my daughter and all that she does forever, the point of the blog is that I am going to be making some changes to Skinny Jeans Dreams so I can focus on being Krystle and being Elliana's mommy a bit more. My baby girl will only be a baby ONCE and I do not want to miss it wrapped up in my laptop! While I love talking to so many of you every day one on one, answering emails and messages now that I have close to 10,000 fans has become QUITE time consuming, as I am sure you can imagine.
I wish I could just be Skinny Jeans Dreams all day but I do have another job on top of being a mom, wife, and Beachbody coach..I have a house to maintain as well as my OWN health and fitness. I am also dealing with some personal things lately that I plan to touch on in the near future. Needless to say, life has been a little bit overwhelming and I feel as though I am missing out on the day-to-day with my daughter trying to catch up on things on the computer and around the house.
New SJD Rules:
-Every day I set a list of prioritized things that must get done.
-I answer 5-7 messages or emails daily - I can no longer spend 3 hours of my day answering messages.
-I will, however, scan messages and update my FAQ page accordingly!
-I will also continue to post my general FB posts
-After 4pm when I get my daughter from day care and until 8pm when she goes to bed is HER time. The computer and phone are put away except maybe a FB post here or there in the way of dinner time.
-After 8pm, I will spend a short amount of time checking emails and posts but as much as my daughter is important, so is her father and he deserves time too. A few nights this week he was asleep before I was done answering emails. :(
My priority statement that I set in the beginning of Chalene Johnson's book is as follows:
My #1 priority is to be physically, emotionally, and mentally present
and attentive in my daughter and boyfriend's life DAILY. To be the best
mother I can be and to raise a well rounded, educated, and healthy child
that knows the importance of personal strength both inside and out and
to be the best spouse that I can be, making sure that he knows his worth
in my life.
I plan to continue to live in accordance with that priority statement.
I love you guys and I love being Skinny Jeans Dreams and I hope that you all understand my decrease in the way of the personalized responses. I hope that I can continue to inspire and motivate you all through my day-to-day posts!!
For questions pertaining to the "How" and "How much" and "Do you_____"? see my FAQ page! I answer a lot of questions on there!