Friday, March 9, 2012

A Purpose Driven Life

People go through life wondering what their purpose is here on Earth. Some don't find their purpose for 50 or 60 or 80 years. Others find it early on, the child prodigies who go to college at 10 years old or that 24 year old mayor. Some never find it at all!

I am 24 years old and I believe I have found my purpose in life. For probably about the past 15 years I have been searching, wondering where my life would head or what I would do. Of course I had a plan at some point to be a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer like all kids. When I graduated high school I wanted to become a teacher...then a guidance counselor....then a psychiatrist.....then ....then....then......

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I know this: Right here, right now, I am fulfilling a God-given purpose. My God gave me the gift of words, a genuine personality, and a journey that I was meant to fulfill. I hated being overweight all my life but at this point, I am understanding the reason why. I was MEANT to be here on this journey with you all. I was meant to do this because I am put on Earth to succeed in this weight loss battle and to share my journey with the world so that others can know that they can do it too. It is finally becoming aware to me that my journey is changing lives.

No, I'm not the only person to have lost weight and I'm not the only person to have written a blog about it but from what I understand and from what people tell me, I am one of few people on this journey that bares all. I don't hold back on the negative things and only share the positive. I tell it how it is - all of it.

When it was just friends telling me that I have inspired them and motivated them to lose weight, I very much appreciated it but thought that it was because they were my friends. It wasn't until I made my Facebook "like" page that I realized how much power I had to inspire and touch people. People from around the world are telling me that they joined Weight Watchers or decided to get healthy because of ME! And that coming to my blog and my facebook page every day keeps them going day in and day out.

I am humbled and honored by this and I am praising MY GOD that he using me for such an awesome thing in life. I never knew, and still don't know, what I want to be when I grow up but I always knew that I wanted to help change lives. I wanted to help people in one way or another. Little did I know that a journey that started with a single step for myself and for my daughter would amount to helping people all over the world!!!

GOD IS GOOD YA'LL!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!!! I am praising, praising, praising.

Living a purpose driven life.

When I reach those Golden Gates in Heaven one day, I want to hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant"

<3 Thank you for being here with me.


Anonymous said...

I love this post!!! You are wise for such a young woman! We are all here on this earth to help each other. I have always believed that, our journeys are not supposed to be totally self-serving. Hard times, struggle, and suffering happens not in vain, but so that we can turn around and help someone else going through hard time. We gain empathy and understanding along the way, and when we heal we are supposed to help others to heal. It's beautiful - you're beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Proud mommy of 4 said...

You are such an awesome girl!! I wanted to share this with you. I'm a little over 4 weeks in my journey (lost 12.8lbs) and this morning on weigh in I was sooo mad I screamed at my husband and told him "F**k this diet I'm quitting" I logged on to facebook ready to vent and saw a post by you. Clicked on your page looked through all your pics and said "NO I'M NOT QUITTING I can do this" so Thank you! You're the most inspiring person I have come across, and you sharing your story may have just given me the kick in the ass I needed to be a healthier, better mom that hopefully doesn't die of a heart attack at 40. Every single day your page and blog keep me going when I want to quit. God made some very special when he made you.

DaphneCT said...


cjbrownsc said...

In the words of my 16YO daughter, "You betta do it!!"
Amen! You said a mouthful and I am hanging on every word. I fell in love with you and your blog about two weeks ago and am now going back to the beginning, reading every single post. Your openness in a world where people are so closed and private is very refreshing. I have followed other weight loss blogs but they always seem to leave something out - either they don't post enough recent pics or they don't talk about their personal life. And don't get me wrong, they don't have to post about their personal life, but it sure does make me love you all the more because you do. I feel like I've known you for a long time. I am so thankful for you, your journey, and this amazing blog!

Rosario said...

Wow! You are a gift from God to many of us that are going through our own journeys. Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless you in all you do. I pray that many more will be blessed by your story.

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