Monday, November 5, 2012

These Legs...

Happy Fabulously FIT 25th Birthday to me!!!

This morning I knew I would wake up....

I knew I would workout....

I knew I would most likely run....

What I didn't know was that I was about to break a personal record...

What I didn't know was that a long time goal was about to get crossed off the list!


I put on my favorite running pants...

Checked the weather....39 degrees.....I don't do weather that cold....

Treadmill it is.

Got on the treadmill...the legs felt fatigued from yesterday's workout...

Must do at least 2 miles....

By mile 3, the legs were cruising....I knew something was up....

3.1 ....5k....I still have more....

3.5mi - Damn cramp! Maybe I'll stop....slowed down....thought about it....caught my breath....

Kept going....

Decided I was going to break a personal record today....

Mile 4.....I made it this far, go for 5!

Mile 5 ...

What better day to cross something off your goal list than your BIRTHDAY??

November 5th, 2012...

I woke up. I laced up. I ran..........and I ran....and I ran.... and....

THESE LEGS ran their first 10K!!!!!!!!!
THESE LEGS ran for 65 minutes!!!!!!
On the same treadmill that they ran their first 30 seconds...
The same treadmill that they ran their first minute....
The same treadmill that they ran their first mile and held me up as I cried...
These legs that once carried a 250+ pound woman, ran 6.2 miles today and took me across my imaginary finish line to cross a BIG goal off my goal list!!! 
 I dont have a medal to show for it or an official chip time. Just a SMILE, SWEAT, and PRIDE!! 


Cole Walter Mellon said...

It might be the same treadmill, but it sounds like you've come a long, long way.

Happy bday and congrats on all your accomplishments!

Janet Oberholtzer said...

That is a perfect birthday present to give yourself!

Hope the rest of your day is just as great... happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Bizarrely...I find myself really, really proud of you! I only say bizarrely because its odd to feel so proud of someone you don't really know but I am! It is probably because I remember how much I used to despise the treadmill. I was always convinced that the pounding of my feet and the jiggling of my belly was the loudest thing in the whole gym and the mere idea of setting foot on one used to fill me with instant dread and embarrassment. Now there is no way in hell I could run for over an hour on that bloody thing (so you are fabulous!) but I had already lost 2 stone before I would even try it and I remember running my first mile, and then my first two miles, nonstop, and the huge sense of achievement!

You are a constant inspiration and I'm so happy you share your journey will everyone! Thankyou so much and congrats again!

Nikki xx

Nairobi Nicole said...

You are amazing!! I follow you on facebook but I have never checked out your blog! I am so glad I did. Inspiration to keep going! Thanks for the motivation!

Unknown said...

Awesomesauce!!!! lol That's great!!! Happy Birthday to you!! :) Keep up the amazing work!

Unknown said...

BAM! Happy AMAZING Birthday to you! I have this feeling this year is going to be your best one yet. Keep on rockin' it! You inspire me birthday girl.

imsdac said...

Wow! You are amazing! What an accomplishment and on your birthday, no less... Simply amazing! Have a wonderful birthday :) You deserve it!!!

masonnickey said...

Congrats & what a awesome birthday gift to yourself!!!!

Unknown said...

As I was reading this... tears came to my eyes congrats girl!!! Happy birthday:) thank you for inspiring me, I am Getting ready to go run...I know I can do a mile...but today I am pushing for 2 miles, the weather is beautiful here in Vegas all the reason to get my hiney moving lol enjoy your day ;)

Unknown said...

Happy 25th Birthday!! and What a great post!! Congrats on your 10km :)

Yvette said...

How did I miss this post?! Awesome!

I love my legs. I use to think they were chunky, and maybe they still are, but I look at them in awe and love them.

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