Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mirror Mirror Shiny Glass, Please Tell Me This Isn't My &%#

How I feel 

How I know I shouldn't feel but it's just one of those days

How I REFUSE to feel 

my options

My route of choice

The plan...


Okay, you get the idea lol. I have had a rough couple of weeks. I stayed the same last week and lost 0.2 this week. I haven't lost any inches in a while and I don't comfortably fit into a size 12 as I had hoped (even though my 14's are still too big) so I am feeling a little bit frustrated.

BUT I can pinpoint reasons for why I haven't lost. I know part of it is my fault directly, part of it is because I am getting used to not breastfeeding anymore and having 7 less daily points, part of it is the 20lb engorged breasts I have since I stopped breastfeeding along with the calories that I'm not longer burning that come with the territory, and part of it is because I just enjoy too many BLT's (bites, licks, and tastes).

But the only one who can change any of that and continue along this journey is ME! So, as you saw above, my plan is to cut out the sweets (I eat entirely too many just because I can count them as my points), cut back on the cheese, get in more exercise, and hope for the best! I refuse to settle for less.

Size 13's fit though! :) 

I also looked up metabolism boosting foods that I'm going to focus on (a lot of them also happen to be power foods!) so here they are:
 You can find all the ins and outs of why this stuff works [here]

Cheers to some pounds and inches getting the boot! Focused.

P.s. When I started typing this post I was completely down and the end, I managed to motivate myself, which leads me back to a FB status that I posted earlier:
I think I have a crush on myself lol I'm just very happy with who I have become over the past couple years as a person and over the last 10 months especially. I love me some me :)
 Have a wonderful weekend! Stay cool!! 
I'll leave you with some pics that made me giggle: 
Says it all! haha



Bonnie said...

cute post.....

and I must say you are looking FABULOUS!!!!

Need to Get ME Back said...

Thanks for the great metabolism boosting tips! And you look GREAT!!

Krystle kjb Bailey said...

thanks ladies!! Glad you enjoyed the post!

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