Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shakeology Giveaway!! ENDS 3/9/13

It's time for yet another giveaway. This one is definitely something that I put a lot of value on and is something I am doing out of the kindness of my heart... and my pocket... I'm sharing my Shakeology with you!

Two of you will win 3 single serving packets of Chocolate Shakeology to try out!

The only requirements that I am asking are that you are not a current Shakeology customer and not a Beachbody coach. So many people have experienced how amazing Shakeology is and what it can do for us - I want those who haven't had that opportunity to be able to try out Shakeology.

What is Shakeology?

What is in it and why is it so "expensive

How can I win the packets?

You can win these Shakeology single serve packs by leaving a comment below about why you SHOULD win! The winners will be chosen at random but I will read all of the comments. :)

Ready, set, go! Giveaway ends Saturday March 9th.  



Anonymous said...

I'd like to win b/c I just had to stop automatic shipment for my shakeology order b/c finances are tight right now. Plus I'd love to try the simplicity of the packets out. :)

darci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
darci said...

I would love to win because I have not yet tried shakeology due to my finances.

Kyndra Holley said...

I would like to win because I would like to try the new formula. I have only tried the old as it was one of the samples in my KlutchClub box several months ago.

Unknown said...

I am starting this journey to a new me. I have struggled with self worth, depression & an extra 60lbs of weight that I don't need in my life. Maybe Shakeology is something that will help me be a better mom & wife,& help me find my self again. Because I am worthy.

Unknown said...

I would love to try this product. I cannot afford the cost right now but I would love to try it. I have many great things about this product. I hope to start my own journey soon and I will need all the help I can get! Thanks!!

rsobering7 said...

I would LOVE to try Shakeology!!I have been debating with myself for awhile now to try it!

Unknown said...

I would love to win! I want try Shaleology and see if I can lose my final 30 pounds and keep it off! I lost 90 already and I am struggling. :/

Unknown said...

I need to try a new lifestyle :) recently I liked your page on Facebook . You have inspire me to work Hard on my fitness to accomplished what I thought was impossible . Now about the shakes . I been wanting to try them but in iffy lol oh and well I'm broke but for my health I will do what's necessary . There is nothing better than investing in your health . Along with wanting to try shakes . I want to take a huge leap into losing weight and loving myself . You don't know how much reading your page and seeing your transformation have inpire me and my friends and sister to be the skinny jean dream lol .

lynleestar said...

I'd love to try Shakeology! I'm very picky about flavors and aftertastes so I haven't been able to make the financial commitment to it yet, a sample would be perfect!

Unknown said...

I have had issues with gaining weight for several months since I had gallbladder surgery. I am intending on ordering shakeology, but would like to try before I buy,

jenny said...

I've been wanting to try shakeology but the price is a lot at the moment, I'm starting my journey to lose 100 lbs I'm a mom to 3 kids I want to be healthy for them!

*TLC* said...

I would love to win because I have had so much dedication and determination to lose weight already. I am down 30 pounds and I would love to see if shakeology would help me lose the remaining 60 pounds that I need to lose. I am always looking for new ways to incorporate great diet ideas into my daily activity and seeing how much you love shakeology and your amazing progress only makes me that much more curious to try it! I would love to try it before I spend a lot of money on a months worth of supply if it wasnt right for me! :) So hopefully I will get the chance to try it out!

Unknown said...

I would like to try because I have tried every other weight loss solution out there. I am getting married for the first time in October and I really want to look good. I have waited my whole life to meet the right man, and he is wonderful. I am doing this for both of us!

Jen said...

I would be so excited to win this giveaway! I have just closed the door on a very long struggle with infertility that left me overweight, miserable and childless. I'm committing to myself and my health now. I'm interested in learning more about these shakes and trying them! Thanks for the opportunity!

Be courageous..the road to faith. said...

I would like to win because I am starting out on this weight loss journey and am looking for a good, nutritious meal replacement !!! Thank you for offering this giveaway and for your generosity! :)

dreamer said...

I would love to live the dream of skinny jeans dream ! I have been hearing about it but don't think it will work ! :)

Unknown said...

I should win this giveaway because I am a busy mother of twin baby girls and I signed up for a 60 day body transformation challenge that is kicking my butt! Several of the ladies in my program swear by Shakeology but I haven't tried it yet. This sounds like a perfect plan to try it!

Yvette said...

I too have skinny jeans dreams, but am not looking for quick tricks. I want to try this because you make it sound so delicious! I have tried "shakes" before and they never taste good.....but every time you post about it it makes me curious.

Sheryl said...

I'd love to win Shakeology! Never tried it, nor am I a Beach Body coach. I'm trying to get into shape for my sister's wedding in June (I'm the matron of honor) and am also training for my first half, which is in May. I've read reviews about it and people LOVE it! Thanks for doing the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I would love to try shakeology!! I have been using another one but have been wanting to try this one and have not found anyone that I know personally to tell my if they like it or not. Chocolate is my favorite flavor in general and is what I usually do for the shake I do now. My biggest struggle right now is I just had my ATFL reconstructed in my ankle so i am really struggling with trying to loose weight and being so restricted.

MrsHeinrich said...

I would like to try Shakeology simply because it is something that I have heard so much about. I love shakes and make my own but like to give new ways a try.

Sarah said...

I would love to win because I have never tried shakeology and I have two little boys so I feel like I need the extra nutrition :)

Nikki G said...

I want to win so badly! I've never tried Shakeology, but I've been wanting to. I'm a working mother of two, and it seems like Shakeology would be a great addition to my workouts!

armywife19k90 said...

I would love to try Shakeology and see how it tastes! I haven't been able to try it because finances are tight. My husband is in the military and I finally found a job after 7 months of searching. I have currently lost 61 pounds and would love something healthy to supplement my eating :).

Paula V said...

I've tried several protein shakes and have yet to find one I like. My husband does a vanilla in one brand. I don't care for it. So, I thought I'd try a no flavor one...ironically the no flavor is worse than a flavor and it's a little gritty. I won a large container which happen to be chocolate. It smells heavenly but oh my not so tasty in shakes. I can put a little in pancakes and be okay. You talk so highly of the Shakelogy that I'd love to try it since I "seem" to be picky.
Thanks for the chance to win.
dierkesp (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I keep hearing how great it is but have yet to try it, I have been drinking secure shakes and pretty happy with this product, but would love to compare the two shakes :-) it would be a dream come true :-)

Mickey said...

I would like to try chocolate shakeology to see what all the fuss is about. Thanks

Gwendolyn B. said...

After all that I've read about Shakeology and all the yummy chocolate recipes that I've seen (I'm a chocoholic for sure), I've been really wanting to try it, but I can't. I am a single mom of three and currently unemployed. There isn't any room for extras. I've been working out to my old Turbo Jam and The Firm DVD's that I bought ages ago, and going for walks around the neighborhood. I've lost 15 pounds and I've got 85 more to go. When I get a job, one of the first things I want to do is get a new beachbody workout (Les Mills Combat looks awesome) and try out Shakeology.

Danielle said...

Shakeology is something that I am interested in. You have really sold me on the product and the commercial with Tony is so hilarious! Would be awesome to win a sample before I commit!

Unknown said...

I would love to win. The Shakeology because I know full of nutrients it is from the end of my Insanity DVDs, as well as from a good majority of my fitness friends. But, I have not had the money yet to actually purchase it. I AM going to someday, though. :)

Unknown said...

I would love to try Shakeology! I've used Body by Vi but want to try something better. I started trying to lose weight January 27, 2013. I've lost 11 pounds so far, but want to go so much farther! I need all the help I can get!

Lauraj521 said...

I have been wishing I could afford shakeology for months. I've been s little stagnant in my weightloss and all in all just want to be healthier. I keep going to the website and reading about it, watching the videos anf asking questions. It sounds perfect. I will get it on ny own soon, just got to clear a few more bills off my desk. Please pick me!!

Courtney M said...

I've heard SO much about Shakeology but haven't wanted to shell out the money for it without trying it. I love making shakes and smoothies and would be super excited to give Shakeology a try. I'm currently on the road to losing the last 20 pounds in order to make it a 100 pound total. EXCITING. I love your Facebook page and it keeps me motivated and inspires me to try different workout DVDs. Thanks for this opportunity!

Unknown said...

Would love to try and see how it tastes and works. Definitely looking forward to more energy, vitamins and better health!

Unknown said...

I would love a chance to try Shakeology. I have been fine tuning my eating habits and would love to see how this could help! I am down 115lbs and counting, need to break this plateau!

Unknown said...

I have been yo-yo dieting for years and have come to the realization that I am never dieting again. Diets can work, but if you do not know how/what to eat when you are not dieting, the weight will come back. So now I'm trying to retrain my brain to make healthier choices. I went from working out a half hour a day to 1 - 1 1/2 hours per day. I started Chalean Extreme (thanks to you:) and will be doing Turbo Fire and Hip Hop Abs (thanks to you again:) I have been interested in Shakeology for a few months now because I drink a whey protein shake almost every morning. I haven't tried it yet because I simply didn't want to pay that much without tasting it first. This is my opportunity!!!!

cassandra marquez said...

I would like to win because I have never tried it before and would like a new way to become healthy. I have gained so much weight and would be lucky if this was it!


Kay Lynn said...

I'd really like to try Shakeology before committing to a larger purchase. Thanks for the opportunity!

Abbie Keel said...

I SHOULD win because I am looking for a new shake that is good tasting and good for you! I would love to help you promote once I get a chance to try the product !

Jillian said...

I want to win because I'm looking to SHAKE things up (haha). I've been in limbo for FOREVER, so this seems like something that might help. Even if I don't win, I'll probably try Shakeology anyway...I'll email you and let you know after your giveaway ;)

Lacey S said...

I would love to win because I've heard so many great things about these products and I'd like to finally try them out for myself!

Fit Mom said...

I would like to win because I just cant afford to buy Shakeology right now. I am overhauling my diet because my focus has switched from weight loss to muscle gain and I know Shakeology would be a GREAT thing to add into my diet. That being said, I know many people who would love to have the samples and are in the same financial constraints as I am, so you will have a tough decision. Shakeology is the ONLY thing I have found that delivers all the proper nutrients without the extra junk additives. I hope whoever wins will share how they like it!

Ash Z said...

I have never tried it so I should win it to give it a chance! :)

Unknown said...

I have benn struggling to commit to trying it because of finances. So far I'm down 27 pounds in my journey with lots more to go. I would love for the chance to win this :-)

Unknown said...

I would love to win this b/c I just started P90X last Monday trying to lose about 50 lbs!! Lost 6 last week was super excited! It's gonna be a long journey but I'm ready.

Katherine C said...

I would like to win them because I am doing a round of Insanity and I am determined to complete the whole thing this time! I am doing shakes currently and have tried a few store bought ones, but have yet to find one that I absolutely LOVE. I would like a few single servings of Shakeology to see if I like it before committing to purchasing a larger quantity. I have heard so many good things about it already and I would like to give it a try!

caitlin said...

I have been lifting and have noticed a difference in my body. I would like to try shakology because I have been interested in a long time. Thanks for having this give away!

Christine said...

I would love to try out Shakeology. I started my journey this past January. I have heard good things about Shakeology and would like to give it a try!

Unknown said...

Hi Krystle!
I think that I should win the Shakeology packs. I am in the middle of my weight loss journey and it is very difficult to get over this hump. I feel like I have been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. It would be great to win this prize and get a little kickstart to the last 43 lbs I have to lose!
PS: Your blog is so inspirational!
Meg G

latanya t said...

I want to win because I have never tried Shakelogy before.

dlatany at gmail dot com

Lisa1017 said...

I'd like to win because I'm hoping Shakeology could be the key to weightloss for me.

Laura1019 said...

I would LOVE to win because I'm always looking for new things to try when it comes to helping reach my goals! I'm getting married in October and have quite a bit of work to do, so this would truly help! I've debated on trying them, so this would be great for me to make my decision!

Unknown said...

I would love to try to see if it gives me the much needed energy i need to exercising and lose this weight :)

its_ashley said...

I would love to win because I have never tried Shakology. I would love to try it before deciding to get it.

Katie said...

I'd love to try this as another component of my weight loss/fitness journey!

Desperately Seeking Slender said...

Just found your website by accident. Was googling AP points for Zumba for Wii and this was one of the options I found. You are so inspiring. I am starting basically at the weight you started except I'm a bit taller. You do carry it well. At 170 you looked absolutely skinny! :) I'm also on twitter under RonniValentine

Thanks for inspiring!

Unknown said...

Pick Me, Pick Me :) FIrst of all, LOVE your site. Just recently started my own - would love for your feedback ;) Anyhoot, I've done P90X and some Insanity so I'd love to see what all the hype is about with Shakology! www.colorushealthy.com

The Run-Mixer said...

I would love to win because I have been on the fence about trying for some time now and would really like to see how it taste! I have been following you love your pages and inspiration and am finding my own.

Unknown said...

I've shared my story with you, please help me out of this plateau and get me to goal! I'd love to try the awesome meal replacement everybody is talking about!

Mandi said...

I've been curious about it for awhile, but would like to try it before committing to the price, as everyone else has said. :) I'm moving into my second year of this new lifestyle, 60 pounds gone and 40 more to go till I reach my goal. Maybe this product is the difference I need and maybe it will motivate me to ask you more about what Beachbody can do for me. Also, if your little munchkin can drink it like chocolate milk, it's gotta be good!

Mother of 2... GSx's 2 said...

I would like to try this product because I've heard the results that come from it...also I'm always on the go. I have lost 90 lbs already after my surrogate twins birth but have hit a plateau. This would be a good chance to check out this product and give it a go=) Plus I've heard it taste great!!

Cass said...

I am struggling with my weight loss and seems I have tried everything except Shakeology. I have been wanting to try it but with a single income I can't spend the money on it without knowing if I will like it or not. I always think in the back of my head "if I don't like it then I could have spent that money on fresh fruits and veggies for my family that I know we will like" I am always looking for that one things that will help me push forward and continue on my journey of losing the 30 pounds I have yet to lose.

Katie said...

I would like to win because I can not afford it otherwise and I would like to see how it affects my journey. I still have 150+ pounds to lose and would love the jumpstart. Thanks :)

Amy Heffernan said...

I would LOVE to win because I have lost 70lbs in the past 8 months and have been following your blog for a long time. You are a HUGE inspiration to me and would LOVE to try this stuff. As a single mother raising two boys on my own I cannot afford to buy these little things. :D
Thank you for the chance!

Cass Richmond said...

Sorry...forgot to leave my URL. Not real good with these tech things :) Have a great day everyone!!!

Tamara Ford said...

I'd love the chance to try this product. I'm in the process of reaching my weight loss goals,and this shake may help!

Luz said...

I have done p90x and insanity and have been able to lose close to 50lbs. Im not longer obese... and have hit my goal weight. I'm trying to tone my body and lose the flag, so trying this out would be nice :)

Unknown said...

I would like to win because I live in Kuwait and want to see if it's worth the shipping. I've always wanted to know what it tastes like and how I feel after drinking it.

Unknown said...

Hey Love,

Would love the chance to try it and get all the benefits everyone is bragging about! I've been trying to get back on track for a good minute and finally feel good about everything. I've been working out and eating so much better! I'm ready to try this miracle shake and get my mojo back! thank you so much for all you do Krystle! You truly are an angel in disguise. Good luck everyone on winning! xoxoxo <3

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this giveaway! I have just started my weight loss journey but its so difficult with my finances. I recently lost my job so I cannot afford Shakeology right now but you definitely turned me on to it!
Thanks for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I should win because Im worth it .. My whole life I have never felt worth anything but learning to control my weight problem and getting to the root of my issues has made me appreciate myself as a beautiful person! I have dropped 40+lbs and have a long way to go and would love to win this!


StaceyL said...

I should win because I've been interested in Shakeology since you started with them. Love learning from you and have been interested in trying but havent been willing to spend the money not knowing what it will be like or what it will do for "me". Having the chance to try the product is just what I need to push me over the fence and sign up!

Anonymous said...

I should win because I'm a fighter and i'm fighting the battle of the bulge and SLOWLY winning but i'd like a little bit of help. I have dropped 50lbs in my battle and have been eyeing shakeology for weeks now and just scared to purchase ( the pricetag) and not like the flavor. This would be PERFECT for me!!
thank you ! Jessica Leatherby

Amber F said...

I would like to win because I am currently just starting my weight loss journey and would like to sample what there is out there to help keep my on track. I have been looking to get shakeology and would be good to sample before I purchase to see if I like it.

hsammour said...

Ohh boyy I would love love to try this. I've been on Atkins for the past year and lost 102lbs and I'm to the point that I get so nauseous from the smell of eggs and bacon. It's sad to say but I actually dread eating because I'm so tired of the taste. I don't want to change my diet because I am SO SOO afraid of gaining the weight back. I want to steer away from Atkins, but I'm looking for a replacement diet that I won't gain any weight from. I would love to try this and see if this is what my body is wanting.

Lana said...

I am so frustrated with a plateau right now! I've lost 70 pounds primarily through exercise, but am now tackling the food part of it. It's so hard and emotional for me, but I'm sticking with it 90% of the time. So many times in the past year, I've wanted to give up because the scale doesn't move. Seriously...ONE FREAKING YEAR! I have been stuck bouncing up and down 2 or 3 pounds.

Am wondering if incorporating Shakeology into my food plan will help get me off this plateau!

Unknown said...

I would love to try it before I save up the money to buy it so see how it tastes and how my body reacts to the shake and the ingredients.... I'm stuck at 170 right now and this may be the answer.... Any help with energy would be great, I'm also such a picky eater and don't get enough veggies & fruit in my diet, especially since Atkins limits what I can eat. Can't wait to see if I'm the lucky winner!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to try Shakeology!! Down 80lbs and have another 10 to go.


Unknown said...

I would like to win this because I am 20 years old in nursing school. I lost 104 pounds last year but unfortunatly I gained some back with my bad food decisions. My doctor told me I was losing the weight too quickly. I had a lot of problems associated with the weight lose such as massive hair loss and menstrual problems. It was quite discouraging. This journey will be different. I plan to eat healthy and clean. I love nursing school but it leaves me very little time for food prep and cooking. I do not want to be a hypocrit. Being an overweight nurse is certainly hypocritical in my eyes. I do not have a lot of money and I have seen how pricey shakeology is. I would like to try it before I invest so much money into it. I need something that is quick in the morning. When I don't have my breakfast planned out or something quick to make then I often make bad decisions. After a couples of months of bad eating I have realized that it is not for me and I am looking forward to losing my weight again, now that I have fixed all of the mental problems I have associated with food. I am glad that I can get back on track and do this again after I gained weight. This time I am writing in a diary and watching my food intake to make sure I am eating enough protein and limiting the processed foods. My major problem was eating low calorie processed foods like already cooked chicken and canned soups along with spreadable cheeses and packaged snacks. My goal weight is 142 or somewhere around that. I am 215 right now so wish me luck! I know I can do it with or without shakeology but it would be a nice treat considering I have never tried it.

Unknown said...

Why should I win the Shakeology? Well, I think we should all win. I wish we could all win. I think I should win, possibly more than some, because I don't look at Shakeology as a quick fix, a fad diet or something I'm going to replace all my meals with. I understand the technology of Shakeology and really wish I could make it a part of my life - unfortunately I cant afford it. I should win because I don't want that shakeology so that I can eat whatever I want, and not exercise and do nothing and watch the fat fall off. I should win it because I'm dedicated to my weight loss, here putting in the work, and shakeology would come into awesome use with my lifestyle, it could be a missing link - something ti accelerate my healthy lifestyle and improve my health. I should win because I see shakeology for what it is and want it for what it is - not as a weight loss shake that I would quit using when I didn't lose 15 lbs in 2 weeks.

Unknown said...

I want to win Shakeology because, like many others, I have always struggled with my weight. After defeating many (medical) obstacles, the next goal for me is to become the healthiest me I can be. I don't want to start off on some fad diet that will only last until I fall back into real life. I want this to *be* real life. I want to change my lifestyle and be the role model my children deserve!
You, Krystle have become an inspiration to so many. This is why I want to follow in your footsteps and start off the right way to a new life. As I have seen you do through Beach Body, Shakeology, eating healthy and good old exercise, I would like to do the same and this is my chance.
I've got a long way to go but I don't doubt my ability to accomplish this goal! I know that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I know what I am capable of, I've witnessed my strength in accomplishing goals I never thought possible! I just need a little push to get me started.

Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for your time,

Lacy Lydia :)

Anonymous said...

I want to try Shakeology to see if it will help with my energy level and cravings. I'm such a picky eater and need more vitamins but can't (won't) eat a variety of foods. Also, I'm hoping it helps with the awful "homework" hour where I'm so stressed that I want to eat the entire kitchen!
Christina C.

Tiddle said...

I am deeply committed to working out 6 days a week, rain or shine, sleep or no sleep, no excuses Lately, I found that my energy level has been very poor and it is really affecting my performance for the scheduled work out of the day. I am generally careful of what I eat, but found that no matter how much healthy food I stuff myself with, I always seem to be hungry. It is incredibly frustrating to toss and turn at night because I am too hungry to sleep. Since Shakeology claims to help get rid of hunger cravings and boost your energy level, I have always been curious to try it. I have a history of IBS and am scared that Shakeology may cause me illness and hesitate to purchase a full package. That is why I would really appreciate winning the samples so I can try it risk-free and then determine whether it is worth investing in. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Losing weight is never an easy task that's why ultimatefatburner.com to help by providing sensible information

Unknown said...

I would love to try it out! Heard great things but nervous about the cost.

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Steve John said...

I would must try it. See more here for quick weight loss. http://www.amazingaus.com/easy-weight-loss-recipes/

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Divya sharma said...

Thank you very much for sharing your Shakeology with us! Your drink is mind blowing it is really energetic,lose weight,reduce craving ..even my Father become fan of your product.....Awesome

karen said...

I think i will win because i am fighting a single day for my life from cancer.....But i love your Shakeology drink...Thanks for this blog

jaise said...

Thanks for this blog very energetic.

maira said...

I love Shakeology. it is really amazing. My mother want one for her

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