
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Making Some Changes

And then....


Which is why I am making some changes. 

Many of you can relate to the above without me having to say a thing. I watched my baby girl decorate the tree tonight and sing "If you're happy and you know it" and dance around the living room and I couldn't believe my baby had grown up so much SO fast!! Seems like just yesterday I was trying to get her to say "mama" and "dada" and here she is singing "Old McDonald had a Dora" and making up her own songs. 

Soo, though I could talk about my daughter and all that she does forever, the point of the blog is that I am going to be making some changes to Skinny Jeans Dreams so I can focus on being Krystle and being Elliana's mommy a bit more. My baby girl will only be a baby ONCE and I do not want to miss it wrapped up in my laptop!  While I love talking to so many of you every day one on one, answering emails and messages now that I have close to 10,000 fans has become QUITE time consuming, as I am sure you can imagine. 

I wish I could just be Skinny Jeans Dreams all day but I do have another job on top of being a mom, wife, and Beachbody coach..I have a house to maintain as well as my OWN health and fitness. I am also dealing with some personal things lately that I plan to touch on in the near future. Needless to say, life has been a little bit overwhelming and I feel as though I am missing out on the day-to-day with my daughter trying to catch up on things on the computer and around the house. 


New SJD Rules: 
-Every day I set a list of prioritized things that must get done. 
-I answer 5-7 messages or emails daily - I can no longer spend 3 hours of my day answering messages. 
-I will, however, scan messages and update my FAQ page accordingly! 
-I will also continue to post my general FB posts 
-After 4pm when I get my daughter from day care and until 8pm when she goes to bed is HER time. The computer and phone are put away except maybe a FB post here or there in the way of dinner time.
-After 8pm, I will spend a short amount of time checking emails and posts but as much as my daughter is important, so is her father and he deserves time too. A few nights this week he was asleep before I was done answering emails. :( 

My priority statement that I set in the beginning of Chalene Johnson's book is as follows: 

My #1 priority is to be physically, emotionally, and mentally present and attentive in my daughter and boyfriend's life DAILY. To be the best mother I can be and to raise a well rounded, educated, and healthy child that knows the importance of personal strength both inside and out and to be the best spouse that I can be, making sure that he knows his worth in my life.

I plan to continue to live in accordance with that priority statement. 

I love you guys and I love being Skinny Jeans Dreams and I hope that you all understand my decrease in the way of the personalized responses. I hope that I can continue to inspire and motivate you all through my day-to-day posts!! 

For questions pertaining to the "How" and "How much" and "Do you_____"? see my FAQ page! I answer a lot of questions on there! 




  1. You have to do this for you! It is another step on your journey and you have to do what feels right to you. Not everyone will understand, but those that understand what it takes to succeed...they will!
    {Hugs!} You have made the right choice.
    And O.M.G.! If your little doodle bug isn't the cutest little thing EVER! Love the hair!! My 'baby' is 14 and has a new voice and everything this, it happens quickly!

  2. Everyone needs boundaries! You need to spend time with you baby and husband/man, they are your family. Nothing on the computer is as important as family. Take care of them.

  3. Family should always come first, after all you made these changes to be a good role model for your daughter. :)

  4. i think for those of us who follow we could "help" but directing those who ask the same question (over and over) - such as "how did you lose the weight?" "did you use weight watchers?" etc...we could reply to those responses with a link to your FAQ page...So we aren't exactly answering q's for you, but directing people to where they can find asnwers....just a thought.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great Blog...

    I've lost about 55 pounds in 1.5 years and struggling with the last 8 to go.

    Keep rocking it!

  7. For the FB giveaway: one thing I love about myself - that I'm working harder at my workouts, even though I'm maintaining my weight, in order to get stronger, because I want to be fit and healthy.

  8. For FB Giveaway:
    One thing I love about myself is the fact that I am a good mom. My kids are my world and there's nothing that anyone can do to change that. :)
    My real name on FB is Lauren Kunkel by the way, I'm sure this will post as Laykn, which is my blogging name ;).

  9. Just seeing ths now - sending you so much love and support!! RIGHT ON, GIRL !

  10. I love the beautiful family my love and I created. :)

  11. For FB giveaway: One thing I love about myself is my "corny" personality...I love to be jovial and humorous with a kid-like heart.
    (Paula Varble on FB but this will post as SweetPea Paula)

  12. Just saying hi and try for this post.
    Xyngu • xyngular

  13. I love myself for making so many great changes in my life, almost to 100 lbs lost and keeping up the hard work!

  14. For the FB Giveaway -
    One thing I love about myself is my willingness to try new things. I love a new challenge!

    Great priorities by the way. Hope you all had a nice Christmas!

  15. One thing I love about me is my kind hearted soul!!

  16. for the contest... i like that i am caring & considerate of others. i love to give gifts to friends & family and let them know i love them.

  17. Family is first and foremost in everything. After you commit to a family, you need to make time for yourself.

  18. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, 1Z0-580, 1Z0-117, HP2-N44, All the way through training with our study materials, anyone will get an understanding about major Oracle points.

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