
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This is no act. I'm losing weight. You can too.

FYI - You're worth it. I thought a lot about what I was going to say in this regard and it's nothing I haven't said before. Just know that YOU ARE WORTH IT. "IT" can be many things but in this regard obviously I am going to talk about your health and fitness. If you're waiting around for someone to do it for you, I have news for you: It's not going to happen. If you're saying you don't want to follow a program, guess what?? You got the way you are by NOT following a program. If you're saying you can't afford [insert weight loss program here but you know I swear by Weight Watchers], guess what?? You'd be spending that money on beer and fast food anyway - spend it on your health. If you're thinking you don't have the time, I have more news - none of us do: Make the time. WHY, you ask??? Because YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT.  You deserve to be healthy. Your kids deserve healthy parents. You deserve to be living this life to the absolute fullest. You don't deserve anything less than a healthy body, a healthy heart, and a healthy mind. Start today.
And in case that wasn't enough motivation....

(Don't know why I can't rotate this pic)

 If you join Weight Watchers from now until September 17th via the monthly pass (which includes unlimited meetings and every tool you could possibly need on Etools as well as access to the community for $39.95) you get a second month free. AND by joining now you are contributing to the Lose For Good Campaign, which is just plain old AWESOME. (Btw I don't get paid for this lol I just swear by the program!)

...On Another Note...

Is that me in size 12 skinny jeans?? Why yes, yes it is. 

and you know what else I don't have???

The disgusting lumps on the back of my thighs that used to make me HATE wearing jeans

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there.  ~Cecil Selig


Count your blessings, 

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm So Excited & I Just Can't Hide It - I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!

I wasn't going to post two blogs in one day but after reading Trina's blog at Ah..Me So Hongry about how this is her damn blog and she writes the rules, I decided there is no one stopping me from posting again today.

While I'm doing shout outs, I have to give a huge shout out to Sarah at Not An Effing Diet who just reached a HUGE milestone of losing 101lbs!!! You go girl!! Sarah is not at her ultimate goal just yet & we'll be sure to celebrate again when she gets there but show her the love and let her know how awesome she is!!

The main reason I wanted to write a second blog today was because I was so anxious to share this with you guys and didn't want to bombard people on Facebook who don't follow my journey with it. First of all, this weekend I was standing in the mirror in my sports bra and pants and I really didn't recognize my body. It was AWESOME lol ..Then yesterday as I was getting dressed I was pointing out things that I was proud of to my boyfriend and look at what I came across!!! .....

I have a shape! My sides go IN, not OUT...ohhhh baby...

I just took this picture today but I noticed it this weekend and my honey then pointed out that my tummy doesn't stick out like it used to. I still have a pooch but SHOOT...I've been fat all my life AND had a kid 14 months ago...I'm proud of this belly about now.

Another away more clothes that are too big! This time I'm down to giving away 14's!! Can you believe it??? I sure can't. I can't wait to get my refund check from school to go get in some good retail therapy!

 I think it's time. With this new realization about my body, it's time to continue to enhance those changes. SO, I'm going to start the Turbo Fire calendar again. I have been doing it when I want to and whatever workout I feel like but I think it's time to get er' done!

Anyway, those are my extra announcements for the day.

Love & Hugs!

Less pounds for US, more pounds for THEM! Get Involved!

Goooooodmorning!! Aren't you glad to be awake, alive, and breathing??! I know I am! So, Hurricane Irene didn't do much damage to NJ although I know it had greater effects on North Carolina and other parts of the East Coast. Several people lost their lives unfortunately and my heart goes out to their families. Praise be to God everyone I know remained safe through the storm. Many many people suffered power outages and several people had minor house damage but overall, prayers were answered and God definitely had mercy on us. It could have very easily been much worse!!

Let's get down to business!

Do you love the new layout or what?? I am in love with it! I am finally learning to design this page a little better but I was so excited to find this background that was so fitting for the title of my blog! 

and I am so excited, I just can't hide it! I think it's such an awesome cause. This is my first year participating in it. Just in case you aren't familiar with what Lose For Good is.. it's a campaign sponsored by the one and only Weight Watchers that is created to help us stay motivated to lose unwanted pounds while at the same time, putting pounds on the starving people around the world who need them! This campaign is from 8/28/11 - 10/15/11 so get started today...or yesterday!!

sorry for the blurry pic. It's blown up from the thumbnail. 

The challenge: 
1) Think of a weight-loss goal. 
2) Start building a Success Wall of canned and packaged food to represent what weight-loss success looks like to you. 
3) Post a photo of it in the photo section below (and imagine it growing over the next few weeks!). 
4) Check out our Facebook page for more fun ways to get involved in Lose For Good. Good luck!

So my success wall looks like this: 
  •  For every pound I lose I will donate one can of food. 
  • For every week that I exercise at least 4 days that week I will donate one can of food. 
  • For every inch I lose I will donate one can of food. 
  • At the end of the challenge I will donate an extra 10 cans of food just because I love this campaign so much. 

 I also ordered that shirt that J.Hud has on as well as a hot pink hoodie!

I am always baffled by the fact that in 2011 we have the highest rate of obesity AND the highest rate of starvation. Get involved and help make a difference in the world as well as in yourself!! 

Peace & Love,


Friday, August 26, 2011

Mandatory Evacuation / PiYo & Turbo Kick

Just a quick post!

In case you haven't heard, the East Coast is supposed to get hit pretty hard with Hurricane Irene this weekend. We live on the beach in Atlantic City and AC is calling for a mandatory evacuation. We were planning on staying here and riding out the storm but since we have a one year old, we decided that the parent thing to do is to hit the trails running. So we're headed to Mount Laurel tomorrow until the storm passes.

On a fitness tip - I looked at the website of the hotel we are staying at and first thing I looked for was the  fitness center they have know where I'll be! I have been busting booty this week!! Yesterday I tried PiYo for the first time (pilates & yoga) and freakin loved it! I am much stronger than I believe myself to be. That's always an awesome realization. That was followed by 45 minutes of Turbo Kick with my sis in law.

My sis in law an awesome fitness addict too and just started a few months ago (even though she was a cheerleader back in high school)  really getting in the gym hard and eating healthy even though if you saw her you would say she's already super skinny but it just goes to show that skinny doesn't equal fit. In the past few months she has noticed major changes in her body including muscle definition and just the way she feels about herself. Even my honey pointed out to my that it looks like his sister has lost weight even though she was never heavy. We're all on this journey together...big, small, fat, skinny, we're all here trying to get FIT!! I love working out with my skinny sis in law :)

I'm really hoping Weight Watchers is still held tomorrow morning!! I reallllly want to WI tomorrow!! They are mandatory evacuating everyone east of Route 9 and my meeting center is maybe a 1/2 mile west of Route 9. I'm waiting for the WW website to stop being down for maintenance so I can try to figure it out!

Have a blessed day people. Be grateful for all your blessings. & if you pray, please say a prayer for the East Coast, our safety, and our homes. 

Stay Awesome,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My God is an Awesome God.

Hello & Happy Wednesday. How is everyone doing today? I hope as wonderful as I am!  Today I just want to tell you about some things and people I am thankful for.

1st and foremost I have to give special recognition to a blog follower Keisha who completely caught me off guard with an email yesterday. Mind you, I have never met Keisha and she doesn't have a blog otherwise I'd be linking it. I'm going to share this email with you because it really meant so much to me!!


Now ya'll know I cried because that's what I do! lol I don't think I have to go into explanation as to why this email had such an impact on me but I will say that it's one thing to have an impact on your friends and acquaintances and it's a completely new ball game when a complete stranger tells you these things. I was completely humbled by Keisha's words. Thanks my new friend!!
Just a few other comments...
This morning I was out for a walk with my baby girl and was completely overwhelmed by utter gratitude for absolutely everything. I was walking the boardwalk and looking out over the ocean. The clouds and the water and everything just looked so beautiful..I felt grateful for my health and my daughter and her health and I could go on and on but there are no words to explain the gratitude I felt right then and there. 

A picture I took on my walk but it really doesn't do the beauty of this morning justice

 In case you didn't know, the east coast had an earthquake yesterday. It was very mild by the time it got to us in NJ but was definitely a first experience for me. 
this was the picture swarming the internet about the damage it caused lol
Also, in case you haven't heard of the four boys, football players, from Mainland High School who lost their lives in a car accident a few days ago, this hit very close to home for me. Mainland High School is my Alma Mater's rival school. Although I graduated several years ago and did not know these kids personally, I can't stop thinking about 1) Their poor mothers. All of their family, friends, and teammates, but my God....their mothers. It seriously breaks my heart. and 2) This could have very easily been me or my friends. How many times did I pack more people into my car than fit in there or that I was supposed to have in there or how many times have I sped down the parkway. How many times did I drive members of the wrestling team to and from? It could have been me. It could have been my teammates or my classmates. I can't even go there where my 3rd thought is but I just PRAY. and PRAY. and PRAY for everyone affected by this tragedy. 


Needless to say, I am very thankful for absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G that I have been blessed with. 

So back to my story about my walk on the boardwalk...I was walking and when I became overwhelmed with gratitude, I really could have gotten down on my knees right then and there but I probably would have gotten hit by a bike. But I closed my eyes and just thanked the GOOD LORD and when I opened my eyes, an older lady was looking at me with her hands in the air saying "Me too. Me too." 

Finally, as I believe I have mentioned before, my boyfriend is a man of few words and few compliments. When he says something, he means it and if he doesn't mean it, he doesn't say it. Anyway, he made me feel really good the last couple days (Sorry babe I know I'm putting you on blast and I know you're reading because you're my #1 fan!) ...Yesterday as I was doing my yoga he said to me "You're really good at what you do. You're so focused and dedicated."  Then tonight we were walking on the boardwalk and he pointed out at how easily I was walking at a high rate of speed and he said "But for real really are madd skinny though!"  --- coming from someone who sees me every day, day in and day out, dressed and undressed, at my best and my worst, it meant a lot to me.  
Us in VA beach last week
*** I didn't mean for this blog to be toot Krystle's horn kind of blog. I just wanted to share with you all how wonderful the people around me are and how they keep me pushing!***

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You can't lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself.

Hey there blogging world! I'm finally back from vacation and completely back on track, full steam ahead!! I went to WI down in Virginia last Saturday and managed to gain 4.4lbs!! I was bummed for a while but I knew where the fault was...I had been going out for ice cream and snacking on oreos..what did I expect to happen??? 

So we got back Sunday evening and I have been FULLY FOCUSED since then. Yesterday I managed three workouts! I started my morning with 40 minutes of kettlebell, spent my lunch with HIIT 20, and after my honey got home from work I put dinner in the oven then ran to the gym for 30 minutes on the elliptical and 100 crunches on the stability ball. This morning I did Turbo Fire- Fire 45 and I need a good stretch so later I am planning Sculpt 20, Abs 10, and Stretch 40. On Saturday I want to walk into WW to hear them say "WOW, you lost 5lbs!" ..that's the plan haha.

My gain didn't stop me from posing in my new bathing suit at Virginia Beach though..check it out:

Or at Bush Gardens....

my baby love giving his baby some love :)

Overall, we had an AWESOME vacation. It was so nice spending time with my honey's family...good old bonding time! I enjoyed the foods that I hadn't indulged in in so long including ribs and wings but I am proud that I was able to get home and get right back on track....not like me in previous years when I would have stayed off track for a month then decided to get back on.

I got a comment on Facebook from a good friend that has had me teary eyed for a while now. The comment said:  

Random but I just want to tell u how PROUD I am of u and this huge lifestyle change! It just shows us that hard work and dedication really pays off! When Elliana grows up and sees what you've done to better both of ur lives she's gonna love u even more than she already does.. She's gonna be so proud of u when she understands all of this.. ur her perfect mommy lol.. I LOVE IT and you look PHENOMENAL!!!! ♥

Since reading this comment I keep staring at my beautiful baby girl and am reminded why I started this journey to begin with. From the minute I found out I was having a girl...

...I began thinking of all the things girls must endure in this world and all the things that I had been through being a girl, but especially being a fat kid.

I couldn't bare to witness my daughter grow up being the fat kid. It broke my heart to think about it especially being that kids are even more cruel these days than they were when I was a kid.

I knew from that moment that it had to start with ME.

It's one thing to feed your children their fruits and veggies as your eat your cheese steak or to watch them play while you sit in a rocking's another thing to lead by example and I wanted to be that example for my baby. 

These days, I am proud to say that my 14 month old daughter will gladly share my fruits and veggies with me and loves to watch me workout. When I do jumping jacks, she raises her hands in the air, when Turbo comes on she shakes her little booty and claps, when I do push ups she gets down on all fours and watches me, she does squats and her favorite move is the yoga pose - the downward facing dog. LOL She is such a smart little person and I love that while she is in the "monkey see, monkey do" stage, that the monkey she is seeing is doing the "healthy thing"

The reason for it all. 

I have to share this video with girl is such a GOOFBALL!! 

You can't lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself.  ~Gene Mauch

Have a blessed day, 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Vacation Update!

Hiii!! I've been a horrible blogger, so sorry. I'm currently on vacation with my boyfriend, our daughter, and his family and my computer won't access the internet so I borrowed my nephew's laptop to talk to you guys!!

So far on vacation I have been so-so as far as my Weight Watchers goes. I haven't been tracking but I have been trying to make healthier decisions. I went to a smokehouse at Bush Gardens today and everyone else got chocolate cake, fried pickles, and ribs and I got a turkey alad wrap and a side salad with fruit. Last night at dinner everyone got pasta and I had chicken salad on top of fruit with a slice of fruit bread. Not going to lie though.. I have indulged in a few treats. I had a half of donut this morning and just now me and my boyfriend's mom just went for icecream.

As far as exercise goes, we have walked EVERYWHERE since we got here. I wish I had my pedometer or was tracking how far we walked. We walked through historic Williamsburg last night.. at least 5-6 miles round trip. Then today we went to Bush Gardens and that in itself is a ton of walking. We were sitting down to eat at Bush Gardens and a huge storm rolled in out of nowhere so I took the opporutunity for a workout and BOOKED IT to the car! haha.

In other news, before I left I was down 1.4lbs this past week for a total of 73.4 and I reached the 170's!! Bye bye 180's. My only hope can be is that I don't gain anything back. I'll be okay if I don't lose. There's a Weight Watchers location right behind the condos that we're staying in...On one hand I feel like I should go on Saturday and hold myself accountable. On the other hand, I feel like I should just wait and bust some booty next week and weigh in next Saturday. What do you think???

I was talking to my boyfriend's 14 year old nephew and he was talking about how his friends weigh 100lbs or 75lbs or whatever and he said "I weigh 120lbs" and I responded "I weigh 179lbs" and he said "You don't look like it.. you look like you weigh 80lbs" LMBO. Even though I know he has no idea what weight "looks like" obviously and that a grown woman weighing 80lbs would look sickly it was flattering that he thought I looked skinny. I remember when I was very young and my friend's little sister who was about 5 years old said "Krystle you're so fat" and I was so hurt...I know she was 5 but she was right. So a young kid telling me that to him I looked skinny felt good.

me and my nephew (well my boyfriend's nephew but he's my nephew LOL)

On more piece of awesomeness for you - I BOUGHT A SIZE MEDIUM SHIRT! and actually a couple more after I learned that I can fit a size Medium. Pretty excited about that.

Anyway, sorry nothing inspiring or note worthy...Just wanted to update you guys and stop being M.I.A.! I'll check in when I get back with some updates on whether or not I go to my meeting this week and the results.

Have a blessed day!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Come, take a trip back in time with me.

Earlier today I posted a Facebook status saying that I wish I could find out what my first status about weight loss was and the more I thought about, the more I wanted to know. 

So I took a trip back in time and for two hours I clicked "Older posts" until I got to September 2010. For some reason I couldn't find the original original post but I think I found the 2nd post. Along the way though, I found some interesting posts that I saved to share with you all... sit back and take a ride back in time with me................

(First I'll post the status followed by my thoughts about it)

2/3/11 - Whewww!! Finally had the opportunity to do a 20 minute Zumba class (on the Wii) this morning... can you say SWEAT??!!! Those tutorials started me with a bad taste in my mouth as far as the game but now I love it!
***Crazy how fit I have become in only six months! 20 minutes of Zumba is nothing these days...lucky if I have a bead of sweat after 20 minutes of Zumba, especially on the Wii. ***

12/16/10 - Just felt really good when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror!! Had to double look like "is that ME?!" 24lbs is a lot of weight! Half way to my vacation!
*** Take that and multiply it by 3 :) *** 

December 2010 - I posted this pic from H.S. saying that I wanted to get back to this size. (I'm way smaller now! That outfit is huge on me. I still have it.)

12/10/10 - I love the proof that the diet is working.. i.e. pants fitting loser, getting full faster, having more energy, etc.. not to mention my sneak peek at the scale this week! excited for Sunday to find out how much I actually lost!
  *** 1) I called it a die-it but 2) That first realization that your body is changing is so exciting!!!!***

12/5/10 - seriously VERY UNHAPPY. I tracked all week on this new plan and gained .2lbs .. I know it is a very minor gain and I did cheat on Sunday after weigh in but i do that every week and lose weight.. apparently not now! super disappointed. I am not in it to be maintaining my weight.. I'm in it to lose. I give it one more week before I call it quits and do my own thing.
***I was so skeptical about PointsPlus. I was so against change because I knew that the old plan worked for me. Little did I know, PointsPlus would be the best thing to happen to me!! It completely accelerated my weight loss! ***

11/19/10 - my mom commented on this pic saying "You look so skinny in this picture" .. HA! Who knew??!

10/31/10 - yesss!!! Super PROUD of myself!!! Lost 2.2lbs this week...down a total of 15.4lbs and passed my first goal which was to lose 5% of my starting weight!!!!! Go ME!!!
*** First mini goal!! Seems like ages ago! ***

10/15/10 - I love surprises from my baby! :) Just got Wii Fit in the mail .. it's ON! Gonna hit that weight loss goal in no time. 
  ***my honey has been my backbone through this journey always pushing me a little further and doing anything to make sure I have the resources I need to get 'er done!***

 10/14/10 - really just got in a heated debate on the Weight Watchers FB page sticking up for Jennifer Hudson.. people are serious HATERS is the bottom line! They're madd because J.Hud is rich so must have chefs and personal trainers so it must be easier for her. smh. All the money in the world can't stop a former fat girl from dreaming about cheesecake! Give the girl some credit! geeze. 
***this just made me laugh, so true though!!***

9/26/10 - Lost 1 pound this week. Was hoping for a little bit more but it's all good... that's the goal. 1 pound a week for a year = 52lbs. ;; BUT in the past 3 weeks, I am down 7.6lbs. :)  
*** My original goal was 50lbs! Who knew I would broaden my horizons so wide??***

9/20/10 - love my life ♥ feels so good to be eating healthy again.. so motivated this time around.. I have more to be motivated for! :)

9/18/10 - feel really good about Weight Watchers this time around.. day 2 has been excellent so far.. I think the difference this time is not only am I home to make my food and take the time to measure, but my taste buds are much more receptive to new foods in my "old" age than i have been in the past. It's gonna be good. :)

9/17/10 - weight watchers it is. need to do this and that's what works for me.. more $$$$ that I really don't have but I am not healthy so it is money well worth it... need to get in shape so I can live a long healthy life for EJ ♥ 

 Just a note - I know there was a status before this one that I couldn't find when my honey and I decided we were going to lose weight together, prior to me joining WW. The plan was to lose 50lbs each and go on vacation together....Hey babe, time to catch up now :) lol love you!

 I love this journey! I love the process. I wouldn't want a quick fix even if there was a true quick fix..the journey is shaping me into a stronger, more confident, appreciative woman and I wouldn't trade this for the world. It will be a life long battle but I'm glad to be taking charge and winning the war! I know God has his plan for everything and he is definitely using me as a small tool to complete his perfect plan. :) 

Love always, Krystle xoxox

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fill'er up on a coke and a cookie!

Hey bloggers! How is everyone doing? I hope you are feeling fabulous, focused, and FREE because ya'll know....FREEDOM IS MINE AND I KNOW HOW I FEEL!  hehe sorry had to get my J.Hud plug in there.

My thoughts are really random today so bear with me!

  • At WW on Saturday my leader used the analogy of our body as a car and she said "I'm driving along on a road trip..and we're cruising...and I notice I'm running low on gas so I stop at the first gas station and I said 'Fill'er up on a coke and a cookie!' far do you think I'm gonna get??" ... Obviously the point is that there is a difference between snacking for fuel and snacking for a treat. Although, I have found that a lot of my "fuel" snacks have turned into "treat" snacks. Don't get me wrong...I loveeeeee me some choc-o-late BUT an apple and peanut butter or carrots and hummus hit that spot too!! Fill up on healthy power foods, they'll get you much farther than that coke and cookie! You can find a list of power foods here.  

  • Last night my boyfriend's aunt came over and she kept talking about getting a sub from White House Subs...and if you've never been to Atlantic City - when you come, make sure you stop and get yourself a White House sub. Anyway, it's right around the corner from me so I don't need to be indulging in these all the time lol. But I couldn't stop thinking about this dag on sub! So I talked to the angel on my shoulder, talked to the devil....had a little convo....and eventually said "You know what?? That sub is going to taste good but how will I feel after???" and that right there made up my mind! I ended up going to my beloved Skinny Taste website and making angel hair (well I used linguini) with shrimp and asparagus and lord hammercy it was SO GOOD!!!!! My honey said "This is just as good as White House.. this is really delicious.." then about 10 minutes later said, "That was really really good babe!" ... I felt so good about my decision! 

  • Weight Watchers needs to pay me commission for all the people that sign up after saying I inspired them. LOL j/k about the commission part. I am really proud of all my friends and family who are deciding to make a change whether it be because they saw me do it and know it's doable or because they chose to do it on their own, either way, I'm proud! 

  • My mom and stepdad AND my little sister are all talking about wanting to get healthy. My baby sis even worked out in her living room today AND hasn't drank soda in 2 days. I know that sounds simple for some but for my little sis, the queen of junk food, I am SUPER PROUD!

  • Super excited about the Weight Watchers Lose For Good Campaign!!  It starts in 28 days. I think the cause is really awesome. Less pounds for us, more pounds for starving children around the world. I find it so crazy that the rate of starvation is at an all time high and yet the rate of obesity is also at an all time high. Food for thought! 

Went out with my honey all day on Saturday baby free :) 

Even wore an above the knee dress at night :) Bad angle on the pic though

One last thing.. give me your opinions. I wanted to lose 75lbs and get a perm before I left for vacay on Sunday. As of this past Saturday I was down 72 and I still have WI this Saturday before we leave. My honey surprised me with a gift card for the hair salon for our anniversary soooo I was thinking about going on Friday to get my perm done anyway since I am pretty darn close to 75 and wanted it before vacation. Would you do it???!

As always, thanks for reading!
Krystle :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is REAL.

I know some people, especially on my Facebook, probably get tired of hearing how emotional this is and how emotional that is for me regarding my weight loss journey. [Disclaimer: That's not an apology, I don't apologize for saying how I feel]  But this journey is more than emotional for me. I'm not sure I can even put it all into words, actually I know I can't put it into words but I'm gonna try my best.

You know those things that happen or those words that are said when you are a child or a young adult that you kind of just tuck in the back of your mind because at that point either you don't want to think about the significance of them or you don't truly understand the significance? Well I have a lot of those and since I began this new chapter in my life, and allowed myself to be open and honest with myself ABOUT myself, I have come face to face with many of those situations. 

I am realizing that 9.5/10 memories that I have from my childhood as well as into my adult life, all involve food in one way or another. Every time someone says "Do you remember blah blah blah", my response always involves something to the effect of "Yea I remember that..I remember we ate at that restaurant too and we ate that really good [insert food here]" . I'm not talking one in every 10 conversations I have. I'm talking nearly every single memory I have can be tied to food in one way or another.
My mom always used to say this jokingly and she said it recently and it had a much higher impact on me than it ever did before. I was talking to her about how all my memories involve food and we were sitting at the dinner table with my step-dad and my boyfriend and she said, like she has said many times before, "At every birthday party or event Krystle was always the first one at the table and the last one to leave. She always wanted to know when the food was being served."   Sad, but true and something that stuck with me into my adult years.

I can't remember who said this to me. It was an aunt or somebody..possibly my dad's mom. I find it strange that I don't remember exactly who but I remember walking in a parking lot and I remember the exact words. I was a young child and I was walking in a parking lot with whoever I was with and we saw a women easily over 400lbs that I couldn't take my eyes off of. The woman that I was with said to me "Yea, if you keep up your eating habits, you'll end up just like her"

When I was in 5th grade I will never forget Dylan Osbourne telling me that I had nasty bumps on the back of my thighs (i.e. my cellulite that I had in 5th grade). 
When I was about 10 years old I asked my stepmom (who has always been thin) how much she weighed and she told me 118lbs. I already weighed more than her. 
I remember the first time my sister acknowledged that I was fat. I just started high school and she started middle school and we were walking to the bus stop arguing about something and I stomped off and she called me a fat ass.
I've always had a thing for black guys. The love of my life is black. But when I had my first black boyfriend and my second, members of my family told me "You like black guys because they like fat girls. Just lose some weight and you'll find yourself a nice white boy"  [Another disclaimer: My family has come a long way and accepts my boyfriend and my brother in law just fine]
I could go on and on. The point is, I'm not just a woman who gained weight after she had a baby or when she went to college. I'm not someone looking for attention and compliments. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I just am a woman who decided enough was enough. Not because white guys don't like me or because I've had cellulite since 5th grade or because my family told me to do it but because I am 23 years old with my life ahead of me, the mother to the absolute most beautiful girl in the world, and the girlfriend to a man who loved me at 253lbs and loves me still at 182lbs and I want to live a long, healthy life for me and for my family. And whoever that woman with me in the parking lot was, I'm almost glad she said it because I sure as hell won't live the long life I desire if I end up like that lady walking through the parking lot many moons ago.

So I may talk about my weight loss journey day in and day out and maybe to some people it may get old but guess what??? I don't care. I am PROUD of where I have come from and where I'm headed and I will shout it to the world!!

A few last random comments: 

In regard to my comment about asking my stepmom how much she weighed. I have always been bigger than her from that point forward and recently she gave me a suit that she bought but it ended up being too big on her but she thought it might fit me. It's a size 12. Here it is:
    We went to Wildwood on Sunday with a good friend that I hadn't seen in over 5 years. I was so happy to catch up with her!! She was so inspired by how I looked and how much I raved about Weight Watchers that she signed up the very next day and is loving the program! 
    Camera man said "Get closer!" lol 

    I took a dare and I didn't cover myself up at the water park! Here I am next to a sign that really made me laugh and think. I'll let you do your own thinking on it to not extend the length of this blog any longer. 
    As always, thanks for reading! I would love to read feedback. My support team is my backbone!! 